Working with Forms


The Document Valet iPart is designed to work with both Sonic Forms and Form Builder installations to provide a complementary method of uploading documents in the context of a form submission. If the minimum number of documents setting is enabled, Document Valet will intercept a form submission request and display the Validation Message. Note that the missing documents must be resolved prior to the form processing.

Inserting Document Valet into a Form or HTML Layout

Document Valet includes a standard Javascript component which will relocate the Document Valet iPart into a defined location when a webpage is loaded.

When designing your page in RiSE you can locate your Document Valet instance in any location. To relocate the iPart you need to make two adjustments:

  1. Set the "Target location ID" to be a suitable label which describes the purpose of the iPart. For example, the ID could be "ResumeUpload" or "JobDescriptionUpload".
  2. an appropriate "DIV" entry into your HTML at the location you wish the Document Valet to appear as shown:
    <div id="ResumeUpload">&nbsp;</div>

Document Valet will automatically search for the appropriate location if the Target location id field is filled in. If the location is not found then Document Valet will be rendered in whatever location you chose during the creation of your page in RiSE.